Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Clarification station

Clarification station is the station to perform the separation process with a sludge of oil once the oil refining process to obtain the expected quality of oil. Basically, the mechanism of the clarification process takes place with the principle of the deposition by gravity or centrifugal force. During the ongoing process of clarifying the ideal temperature to facilitate the process of separation is 90-95 0. Temperature too low will complicate the process of separation between the oil with the sludge, while too high a temperature will cause turbulence in the purification system and lead to a degree bleachability kegosongan bad that can be known from the dobbies (deterioration Of Bleachability Index) is decreased so that the quality The resulting oil becomes less good.
The process of clarification is done on the station are as follows:

1. Continuous Settling Tank (CST) Continuous Settling Tank or better known as the CST is an open cylindrical vessel vertical on the bottom of the conical shape (cone), a tool or a tube is created as a place of deposition as well as the initial separation between the oil with the sludge (mud + water), while the feedback from CST is derived from the pumping of crude oil which is at the top of the COT. This process will be successful if the temperature is maintained 95 0 C so that the temperature is expected to happen a real difference in specific gravity between oil with sludge and this will cause the oil has a lighter specific gravity will be at the top, besides the process of stirring with an agitator should not exceed 2-3 rpm and feed stable and balanced between inputs and outputs must be maintained so as not to cause turbulence or turmoil that led to the separation process is unlikely, turbulence can also be caused by warming temperatures that are too high. To achieve and maintain a working temperature of the CST is the heating equipment was installed with a steam pipe or open a closed steam coil, steam as a heating source is obtained from the remaining steam turbine

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